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Global Sindoh

Sindoh participates in the 3D Experience World 2020 (3DXW 2020)

Sindoh, a professional 2D & 3D design company, participated in the 3D Experience World 2020 (hereinafter referred to as ‘3DXW 2020’), which was held for three days at the Music City Center in Nashville, U.S.A.. The international 3D design exhibition, consisting of numerous speeches, seminars, panel debates and other programs, was attended by some 6,000 people including designers, 3D planners, and engineers, drawing attention around the world. The exhibition featured 75 booths of Dassault Systèmes’ partner companies, including Sindoh, which was the only Korean company to participate in the exhibition. 

International 3D Design Exhibition ‘3D Experience World 2020’ 

While 3D Experience World 2016 was held under the slogan of ‘SOLIDWORKS World’, this year’s edition presented the new, comprehensive concept of SOLIDWORKS with 3D EXPERIENCE WORKS, which means that it offers visitors an opportunity to experience everything related to 3D design. 

The exhibition began with messages of greetings delivered by Bernard Charlès, the CEO of Dassault Systèmes, and Gian Paolo Bassi, the CEO of SOLIDWORKS. The latter said, “We have been supporting 3D Experience Works in order to provide optimal options for customers who want more than just design.” adding, “We are planning to offer options that can create value for the education industry and start-up entrepreneurs in the future.” 

Sindoh takes part in the 3DXW 2020

The main attraction at Sindoh’s booth was the armor made for ‘Batman’, the superhero character of DC Comics, which Sindoh produced using a 3D printer in collaboration with German artist Stefan Ulrich. 

The artist invested about 800 hours in making the Batman armor, including printing, painting, and post-processing. As a result, the realistic armor, which “popped out” of the movie, and the video of its production captivated numerous visitors. Visitors asked many questions about Sindoh’s new 3D printer, the 3DWOX 7X, which can print out large objects. However, this wasn’t the first collaboration between Sindoh and Stefan Ulrich, as his Star Wars X-Wing was displayed at Sindoh’s booth last year. 

The 3DXW 2020 was attended by Sindoh President Byeong-baek Lee, Advisor Seong-soo Hong and employees of the Advanced Technology Development Division, 3D/Solution Business Division, and Strategic Business Division, who were there to promote the company’s products. Elements of the Korean press media, including Chosun Biz, also visited Sindoh’s booth to film details of the company’s products and delivered vivid news from the scene. 

In addition, many business meetings took place at the booth. Ji-won Hwang, the manager of the Strategic Business Division, met with representatives from Amazon to discuss the expansion of B2B sales, and also signed a partnership with RIZE, a company specializing in additive manufacturing. 

The 3DXW 2020 was a great occasion to not only promote Sindoh’s products but also to identify the latest trends in the global 3D design market by checking out other companies’ products and ideas. Sindoh will continue striving to provide customers with the very best products and services. Thank you for your support and interest in advance!